The goal of the newsletter is to be an enjoyable, easy reading exploration of writing, self-publishing, and larger aspects of communication.
The Articles cover a variety of topics. We suggest you read all the Articles so you develop a broader and deeper appreciation of your book project.
You may be thinking “I just want to write my book, I’ll read just the writing and self-publishing articles”. That’s fine, but if you are not adequately aware of the other threads you may realize somewhere along your book path that “something seems wrong”. Don’t let that happen to you. The three newsletter topics are:
1. Writing and self-publishing;
2. Research (market, content);
3. Motivation, Project, Planning.
Articles will include answers to submitted questions, a listing of self-published books in a variety of genres, and curated submissions by subscribers.
Please subscribe to the Articles (on the Contact Us page) if you wish to receive email notification of the publication of each issue. We will not share your email address or other information with any organization.